An Open Letter to My Beloved Family in Christ…

My dear friend in Christ,

I'm writing to share something truly special with you—a vision and calling that has deeply touched our hearts.It's called "Invest Beyond Your Grave," and it's about making a lasting impact on the lives of others, even after we're have departed this world.In a world consumed by self-interest, where the focus is often on "I," "Me," and "My family," we have been called to something greater.We have been called to use what we have—our resources, time, and abilities—to uplift and empower others.As we journey through life, giving our all, we will find that our investments in the lives of fellow believers will welcome us to an eternal home—a place of everlasting joy and love.In Acts 4, we read about the beautiful picture of "The Believers Sharing Their Possessions."They were united in heart and mind, understanding that what they owned wasn't truly theirs.They selflessly shared everything they had. Their actions testified powerfully to the resurrection of Jesus, and God's blessings were upon them.Under the banner of "Invest Beyond Your Grave," we have begun various initiatives, guided and aided by God, impacting individuals in profound ways.God helped us impact many people individually. For instance, paying for kids' education fee, paying multiple people's house rents, electricity bills, water bills, and providing medicines and groceries.The Lord helped us to bless people with vehicles, to pay for people's medical bills, to open small stalls so they could earn an income and look after their families. List goes on…Sometimes, people ask why we give the best instead of second-hand items. I always ask them, if God has given us the best, why can't we do the same for others?Would we give our kids second-hand things?Let's align our thoughts with God's generosity.Galatians 6:9-10 says not to get tired of doing good. If we persevere, we will be rewarded at the right time.If you also recall the sacred words of Matthew 25:34-40, Jesus reveals the depth of His heart for the vulnerable, the marginalized, and the needy.He reminds us that when we extend a helping hand to those in need, it is as if we are extending it to Him directly. He notices our acts of kindness, and He appreciates them deeply.If your heart resonates with this vision, if you are ready to invest in a cause that will leave a lasting imprint, then I urge you to take action.Fill out the form below and become a part of this extraordinary movement.While there are many things we cannot openly share, if the Lord leads you to be a part of this meaningful work, together, we can make a difference that will be felt for generations to come.May the Lord guide and bless you abundantly.With heartfelt gratitude,
Neha & Evans Francis

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